Case Studies: We have three great case studies for you!
A look back at the last years social media strategies from Ireland's top Premier Rightsholders
IRFU Social Media Report

- A snapshot of the Current Following
- Examine the Interactions held Direct with Followers
- Community and Grassroots work
- The Years Social Strategies in Review
- 2015 and beyond!
FAI Social Media Report:
- Figures regarding their current following
- How the FAI include their sponsors in their digital strategies
- How they interact with followers
- Grassroots and community work
- The FAI's year in review
- Where they're heading in 2015

GAA Social Media Report:

- A full round-up of their digital campaigns
- Where the GAA stand in terms of followers
- The successes they've had with sponsors
- Ways they can add further value to their social campaigns in 2015
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