Aligning Your Brand with the Biggest Experiences


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Aligning Your Brand with the Biggest Experiences 

Advertising at sports events presents companies with a unique opportunity. It gives businesses the ability to advertise on a stage that is like no other. Not only is the reach of these events truly astounding, but aligning your brand with such memorable and exciting experiences can prove to be extremely lucrative and rewarding. There is only one place to begin, and that’s with the number of people you can reach through advertising at sports events. The figures are astronomical. Take Premier League advertising as a prime example. It is estimated that a UK company can reach between 5-6 million people when taking advantage of football advertising at an EPL match, whilst a global business can reach billions.

By using perimeter advertising at these events you are opening yourself up to a whole host of marketing channels. Not only will you advertise your brand to those attending the event, but you will also gain exposure via live television, local and national newspapers, local and national broadcast news, recorded programmes, online streaming and Internet publications.


One of the main reasons why advertising at sporting events presents a unique opportunity is because it is one of the only types of programmes considered ‘appointment viewing’ nowadays. Would you watch the World Cup Final a week after it took place? It’s unlikely!
Nonetheless, advertising is not only about generating mass recognition for your brand, but making sure it’s the right type of recognition. Yes, your brand awareness will increase dramatically by advertising at a major Premier League game or Rugby Union match. But, more importantly, your brand image will strengthen significantly. After all, you are aligning yourself with some of the most memorable and exciting experiences.
As a result, one of the most significant gains is instant trust. Consumers automatically trust brands that advertise at sporting events. If you have the funds and the capability to display your company’s logo at such a well-known venue, for such a big event and in association with a sports’ club – who also have their reputation to think about – then you definitely must be a reputable and credible company in the eyes of those you are advertising to.

It is also worth considering the way in which you will be advertising at these events, most likely via LED display boards. This form of pitch-side advertising provides you with an excellent way of making a strong, eye-catching and impactful message. Technology has advanced dramatically over the past few years, and thus the opportunities are limitless.

You can brand your company to full effect with different animations, objects, colours and moving texts. You can easily change content, should you wish to advertise at several events, and you can showcase numerous ‘pages’ of information if you so wish. This sophisticated and upmarket form of advertising will also do wonders for your brand and generate the positive impact you are looking to create.
When you take the points that have been mentioned into consideration, it really is of little surprise that sports advertising is held in such high regards nowadays. Yes, the exposure you will generate is unbelievable, but the benefits you will gain by aligning your brand with such a memorable experience are just as impactful.

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